Implementation Details

The source can be found in src/director_musices in the root directory.

The function director-musices inside core.clj is the entry for the program. Arguments to this function is simply a list of command line arguments that should be sent to the program.

Below is a description of the other files in this directory.

cli.clj parses the command line arguments sent to the director-musices function. After cli/parse-args is called with the arguments, the options can be accessed through the global/get-arg function.

global.clj contains global variables.

logging.clj sets up the logging library as well as the log window. Logging in the program should not be done using this namespace in any way - it’s done by importing taoensso.core and calling warn, error etc from that namespace.

main.clj is the main entry when director musices is bundled in a jar. It’s not really important to know what exactly main.clj does, see core/director-musices as the main entry instead.

menu.clj defines all menus.

player.clj for playing midi files.

util.clj utility functions usable in more than one namespace.


The directory src/director_musices/common_lisp contains files that interact with common lisp.

command_line.clj creates the repl found in Help->Command Line.

glue.clj contains director-musices specific abcl interactions. The function init-dm is responsible for loading all dm files.

interpreter.clj contains the base for interacting with abcl.


The directory src/director_musices/rulepalette contains everything that is necessary for the handling of rulepalettes.


The directory src/director_musices/score contains everything that is necessary for the handling of scores. This includes the mixer.

The directory draw contains code that draws the score as well as associate components - graph view, parameter view etc.

In the draw directory, we can find the files:

calculate.clj performs calculations on the raw input score. These calculations are later used for drawing. Basically all components in draw uses these calculations.

graph.clj draws the graph view.

parameter.clj draws the parameter view.

phrase.clj draws the phrases above the score.

position.clj draws the red position indicator.

track.clj draws the score.